#Microaggressions March

All this month, I’ll be spotlighting one of the ways in which many people experience bias, and that is through #microaggressions.

What Would You Do? I’d love to hear your thoughts, experiences, and suggested responses.





March 5 – You overhear a white colleague sayin to a woman of color, “You should straighten your hair. You’d look much more professional.”

March 10 – At the end of a leadership team meeting, the male director says “Thanks everyone, I’d like the ladies to stay back to discuss the upcoming staff engagement event I’d like them to plan”.

March 17 – 2 Board members are on a call after a tense board meeting. One remarks, “Why do you have to be so aggressive with Trevor? You need to lighten up. You’ll never get a man with an attitude like that.”


Anchorlight Creative

I help women small business owners by building out websites & creating marketing strategy that works.


BS: Beyond Stereotypes Podcast


#PaulaSays: Happy Women’s History Month!