2023 Black History Month Wrap Up

I hope you have had a chance to explore and enjoy the resources I have shared throughout February, which celebrate and reflect on  Black Joy, Black Love, and Black Resistance. I look forward to making this my annual practice by bringing you new resources each year, and if you have any great resources, please don’t hesitate to share  them with me.

Although Black History Month officially ends today, I encourage you to continue engaging with the resources I’ve shared throughout the year (Black History is 365 days a year!)

In fact, this aligns with the branding and purpose of the month. The actual intent and impact of Black History Month is to incorporate honoring the experiences and contributions of Black people into your values, identity and continued education, not just during this month but throughout your journey as an ally if you choose to take that path.

Did you know that this week marks Black Women’s History Week? In 2018, Feminista Jones came up with the idea to celebrate and honor Black women in the last days of February and the beginning of March, to “honor Black women at the intersection of Black History Month and Women’s History Month.”

I encourage you to check it out and take some time to celebrate the Black women in your life and to make sure that your Women’s History Month commemorations are intersectional!

P.S. On February 28, we are encouraged to honor a Black woman whose contributions have made your life better.  Personally, I can think of many influential Black women in my life, but my mother Joan Donna Griffith was and still is my North Star.  Take a moment and read about her life and legacy here.

Here are a few of the resources that were highlighted during the challenge that I encourage you to learn more about and share!

Rest as Resistance

From protests and political movements to art and culture, Black resistance takes many forms. However, one form of resistance that is often underappreciated and undervalued is rest (especially for Black women). 

The Nap Ministry is an organization that recognizes rest as a form of resistance and offers resources and community for restful self-care. As Black people continue to face systemic oppression and violence, it is more important than ever to prioritize rest and self-care as an act of resistance and liberation.The act of prioritizing rest and self-care is itself an act of resistance against a society that demands constant labor and productivity. By doing so, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and just future.

Learn more about the Nap Ministry’s advocacy for rest as a form of resistance.  Watch this short video:

Black Music as Resistance

Black Art as Resistance


Anchorlight Creative

I help women small business owners by building out websites & creating marketing strategy that works.


How to Create an Impactful Diversity Retreat


Black History Month Challenge: Reflecting on Joy, Love, & Resistance; Part 3: Black Resistance