
Paula T. Edgar

Keynote Speaker, Professional Development Facilitator, Trusted Advisor and Personal Branding Expert

Keynote Speaking


Consulting & Training


Moderation & Facilitation


Professional Development


Diversity & Inclusion


Keynote Speaking | Consulting & Training | Moderation & Facilitation | Professional Development | Diversity & Inclusion |

Paula Can Help With
Tailored Solutions

Paula empowers leaders and organizations to create lasting, impactful change by offering professional development, education, and training through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Believing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to professional growth, Paula customizes programs to meet the unique needs of each business. She understands that every organization has its own personality and culture, and she prioritizes building strong partnerships with her clients to deeply understand their core needs and deliver tailored solutions that drive meaningful results.

Organizations Successfully Impacted

Using assessment tools, Paula ensures that all programming and interventions are not only relevant and stimulating but also focused on achieving tangible results.

This approach ensures clients feel truly understood and are prepared to take actionable steps. Her collaborative method means that every client receives a personalized experience, every time.

Featured Services

Paula connects the dots, making complex information, ideas, and content understandable and actionable. She empowers individuals and organizations to tackle challenges effectively and apply what they've learned in meaningful ways.

  • Keynote Speaker

    Paula's dynamic speaking style and personalized content captivate her audience, making her keynote presentations uniquely powerful and engaging.

  • Professional Development

    A skilled facilitator and consultant, Paula crafts professional development experiences that blend practical expertise with inspirational and actionable content, driving meaningful change within organizations.

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

    Paula collaborates with organizations to strategically integrate professional development (PD) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training to create lasting impact.

About Paula T. Edgar

Paula T. Edgar, Esq. is the CEO of PGE Consulting Group LLC, where she specializes in providing training and education solutions at the intersection of professional development and diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

A highly sought-after keynote speaker, Paula delivers impactful presentations on personal branding, mentorship, inclusive leadership, and relationship building. Her custom programming also addresses unconscious bias, microaggressions, feedback, and allyship. 

In addition to her speaking and consultant work, Paula plays a significant role in professional communities, holding leadership positions with the New York City Bar, The American Bar Association’s Commission on Women, and as past President of the Metropolitan Black Bar Association.


Speaker Reels

Branding Room Only Podcast

Tune into the Branding Room Only podcast with Paula as industry leaders and influencers share career stories, strategies, and lessons learned about how they’ve built their personal brands.

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